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Article of the day: FOOTBALL / CÔTE D'IVOIRE: Dosso Falikou Tostoa training center

Date of publication: April 13, 2021 at 11:24:38 pm

Dosso Falikou Tostoa, a former footballer in France, has built a Training and Guidance Center for Young Abidjan Footballers (CEOJFA) in Anyama. He decided to fight durably against the regrouping of children in the districts. Better still, he wants to give a boost to some who have dropped out of school for football.
Needless to say, Dosso Falikou played in Marseille from 1998 to 1999. Then he ended up at AS Valence in France from 1999 to 2001. After an accident at the end of his contract, he played in Belgium in D3. After hanging up his boots, he now holds coaching and trainer degrees.



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