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Article of the day: CÔTE D'IVOIRE: “Laboratory” Training Center and PAKANA F.C.

Date of publication: April 22, 2021 at 16:26:18 am

Located in Bouaké in the France district, Le Center de Formation was officially created in 2000 but its activity began a few years before that date.
The center is affiliated with the Ivorian Football Federation and has around 100 mixed members.
The training center, called "Laboratory", covers the following categories:

- Pupils,
- Minimal,
- Cadets,
- Juniors.

Indeed, this Football center was thought by its President and its supervisors, as a school of life doubled by a football school, because sport is above all a tool of social connection, a place of learning in community and that many values ??can be taught there through a sporting activity ...
The Football club named "PAKANA Football Club" consists of the senior team.



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